Diepgat Coral Tree is perched upon a triangular rock formation (52-57m) situated between a 48m and 60m ledge on a sloping sandy bottom. This famous tree is home to two large Moray Eels and is surrounded by Goldies, Damsels, Fusiliers and Blue-banded Snappers. Extraordinary sightings include Seahorses and Spanish Dancers.

Jannie's Secret is an exquisite SeaXplore dive spot (depth 50-54m) that hosts the largest aggregation of schooling fish in Sodwana, including Fusiliers, Snappers and Slingers. Potato Bass, Rock Cods, Damsels and Soldiers are also plentiful here. Other sightings include Lobster, Nudibranchs, Sea Cucumbers and Sea Stars.

Steve's spot is another new SeaXplore dive spot. This section of reef consists of large scattered boulders on a sloping sandy bottom. The site drops off from 48m to 60m along a ledge undercut by a deep overhang. Abounding with Whip Coral it hosts the rarely seen One--stripe Anthias, Indian Butterflyfish and Tiger Anemone.